Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

What Is the Colorado Alcohol Limit for Driving?

Getting pulled over is a scary and stressful situation for just about anyone. You are likely to feel overwhelmed and upset, as most individuals have little experience talking with cops in instances like this. As such, it is likely you’ll be unable to think coherently. You might say or do things you wouldn’t say or do if you were thinking clearly. The next thing you know, the cop arrests you and charges you, claiming you were over the Colorado alcohol limit. What happens now?

The first step [..]

What to Say to a Judge at Sentencing

The way in which you conduct yourself at a sentencing hearing is crucial to the outcome of your case. One of the most important things for a court to notice is that you are aware of the crime you have committed and that you are regretful of your actions. It goes without saying, but those who do not show remorse for the crimes they commit will likely receive a harsher punishment than those who do. Whatever the reason you are heading to court, you’ll want to leave [..]

Is Having Sex in a Car Against the Law?

While there is no law that explicitly states that having sex in a car is illegal, there are still ways in which a person might receive criminal charges. For example, there are laws applicable to this situation that prohibit public lewdness. So while car sex is not technically against the law, if you get caught engaging in sexual activity in a car parked in a public place, you might still find yourself in legal trouble.

Just the thought of receiving sex crime charges is a terrifying thing, [..]

When to Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney

If you or a loved one are in legal trouble and face criminal charges, you probably have a lot running through your head. One of the most pressing concerns is likely when to hire a criminal defense attorney, or further, whether you should hire one at all.

There is plenty of evidence that suggests that the best route is to hire a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Having a defense attorney early on in the process can help better secure your freedom and save you [..]

What is Aggravated Sexual Assault?

Some sex crimes may result in a more severe punishment than others. For example, the crime of aggravated sexual assault will bring about much more serious consequences than a general sexual assault charge. But what does aggravated sexual assault mean exactly?