Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

What is a Motion Hearing?

When facing criminal charges, a motion hearing can determine how your case proceeds. A motion hearing is a court proceeding where legal arguments are presented to address specific issues before a trial begins.

These motions can clarify court rules, resolve legal disputes, or challenge certain evidence. For example, a defense attorney might file a motion to suppress evidence obtained through an illegal search, arguing that it violates the Fourth Amendment. By addressing these issues early, motion hearings help streamline the legal process and ensure a fair trial.[..]

What is Contempt of Court?

We know that Colorado courtrooms have strict rules and procedures, but what is contempt of court, and why does it carry such serious consequences?

Contempt of court occurs when someone disrespects the court’s authority or disobeys court orders. This can include failure to attend a court hearing, publicly commenting on a court case, or behaving in a way that disrupts courtroom proceedings. Colorado courts take these offenses very seriously and may impose penalties like fines or jail time for those found in contempt.

Contempt of court carries [..]

Truancy Laws in Colorado

Under Colorado law, there are numerous compulsory school attendance laws designed to protect both parents and students from delinquency and abuse. Truancy laws in Colorado establish strict attendance requirements to ensure that children receive a proper education and are not neglected. The intent of these laws is to encourage regular school attendance and prevent physical patterns of absentness that could lead to more legal problems in the future, and violating them can lead to serious legal consequences. 

If Colorado truancy laws are broken, not only can parents [..]

Can Additional Charges Be Added in Court?

Criminal cases can be incredibly stressful, especially for first-time offenders, and being formally charged with a crime can feel like the end of the world. But are prosecutors able to add or change charges before a person goes to trial? Can the charges be changed while the trial is ongoing?

Understanding how criminal charges work and how prosecutors can modify them is crucial in any criminal case. Luckily, Denver criminal defense attorney Jeff Weeden is here to help those accused of a crime understand all of the [..]

Creating Reasonable Doubt in Colorado

In Colorado criminal law, a criminal defendant is presumed innocent until the prosecuting attorney can prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt for the crime charged. While you often tend to hear these phrases on legal television shows, you may still wonder what they actually mean. 

In this blog post, the knowledgeable criminal defense attorneys from WeedenLaw explain reasonable doubt and how our law firm can help establish it during your criminal case. If you’re facing a criminal conviction, contact Denver criminal defense lawyer Jeff Weeden at (720) [..]