Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

Burglary vs Robbery: What’s the Difference?

You might think that burglary and robbery are basically the same crimes. In reality, they have some key differences. When determining which type of crime someone committed, Colorado courts take into account several factors. The distinctions between burglary and robbery mainly involve where and how the unlawful taking of something happened. As a result, charges and sentencing vary depending on the type of crime committed, as well as the scale at which it occurred.

At the Weeden Law Firm, we fight Denver criminal charges with the strongest [..]

Can You Get Caught Shoplifting Weeks Later? Shoplifting Charges After Leaving Store

You can still be arrested for shoplifting after leaving the store without getting caught. If you are accused of shoplifting, the attorneys at Weeden advise you to contact us for a free consultation as soon as possible. As experienced criminal defense attorneys, we understand how to prepare and defend shoplifting or theft charges.

What is considered Shoplifting?

Shoplifting is when someone takes an item from a store without paying for it. According to state law, shoplifting involves any of the following:

    Stealing merchandise Removing an item

Shoplifting in Colorado

Being accused of shoplifting in Colorado can be a frightening situation, but it can be much easier to navigate with the help of a Denver theft attorney from WeedenLaw.

For many, shoplifting can create immigration problems or problems with work, and so they look for an attorney to help them through the process.

How are Shoplifting Cases Prosecuted?

Shoplifting cases are prosecuted after a store presses charges on the offender. This doesn’t always occur immediately after leaving the store, though. Sometimes stores will wait to gather enough [..]

Petty Theft and Shoplifter Punishment in Colorado

People will often dismiss petty theft and shoplifting as insignificant crimes. It’s easy to understand why: by definition, petty theft involves taking objects of very little value. But the consequences of petty theft in Colorado can be significant.

Jeffrey Weeden is a criminal defense attorney serving the Denver area. In this post, Mr. Weeden will explain Colorado’s petty theft and shoplifting laws, as well as the potential consequences of petty theft charges. Mr. Weeden will also explain the difference between petty theft and shoplifting in Colorado. Though [..]

Legal Defense for Shoplifting in Colorado

While it can be tempting to view shoplifting as a juvenile and inconsequential infraction, the state of Colorado can pursue jail time and enforce significant fines for those convicted of shoplifting. Colorado shoplifting laws also allow merchants to sue shoplifters for various damages in civil court. 

Shoplifting charges can be quite serious, and the consequences can be equally so. If you are facing shoplifting charges in Colorado, an experienced defense attorney can help ensure the best possible outcome for you.

Colorado Shoplifting Laws

Colorado shoplifting laws are [..]