Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

What is a Wobbler?

Criminal charges are, for the most part, categorized as either a misdemeanor or a felony. However, in Colorado, certain crimes might be considered a “wobbler.” A wobbler is neither a misdemeanor nor a felony, but rather, both. This means that the charge can “wobble” between the two, depending on the type of crime and how it is charged and sentenced. 

Wobbler crimes can be quite confusing for those accused. In this post, our Colorado criminal attorneys at WeedenLaw will explain in further detail the definition of a [..]

Fighting Felony Drug Charges

Finding yourself facing drug charges is a daunting situation.  There can be numerous questions surrounding your arrest that leave you looking for an ally for representation and guidance.  Below you’ll find some helpful information intended to give you a starting point for building a successful defense and fighting felony drug charges.

What Determines If A Drug Charge Is A Misdemeanor Or Felony?

As with any crime, there are variables that determine the severity of the charges.  For Colorado drug possession crimes, a key aspect is the quantity [..]

Denver Criminal Defense Lawyer Explains New Colorado Law

On Monday, May 20, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that police must now require probable cause before they are able to deploy dogs trained to detect marijuana. This places yet another divide between how the state of Colorado and the federal law choose to investigate marijuana.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled that any dog trained to alert to marijuana cannot be used until the officer establishes probable cause that an actual crime has been committed.

In the past, since the seventies, in fact, police dogs were trained [..]