Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

What is the Difference Between First and Second-Degree Murder?

You may be under the impression that all murder is equal and the person who committed the act should face equally harsh penalties. However, according to law, different types of murder have different levels of penalties depending on the facts of the case. The severity of the crime is determined by “degrees.” A murder charge may fall under the first, second, or even sometimes third degree depending on the circumstances surrounding the case. So, what is the difference between first and second-degree murder?

Aside from the sole [..]

Juvenile Sentencing

When your child gets into legal trouble, you may not know what to do or where to turn to next. It is a scary thought leaving your child in the hands of a justice system that you likely know nothing about. However, the good news is that juvenile sentencing is much less harsh than what you may be familiar with in reference to adult sentencing. The goal of juvenile sentencing is not necessarily to punish a child, but to rehabilitate them and guide them toward a more [..]

Burglary vs Robbery: What’s the Difference?

You might think that burglary and robbery are basically the same crimes. In reality, they have some key differences. When determining which type of crime someone committed, Colorado courts take into account several factors. The distinctions between burglary and robbery mainly involve where and how the unlawful taking of something happened. As a result, charges and sentencing vary depending on the type of crime committed, as well as the scale at which it occurred.

At the Weeden Law Firm, we fight Denver criminal charges with the strongest [..]

What is Honest Services Fraud?

Honest services fraud is “a scheme or artifice to deprive another of the intangible right of honest services,” as defined in the related federal statute. It is an extension of mail or wire fraud. As there is no clear definition of “honest services,” the courts reserve the right to define and limit the statute. The original intent behind the federal statute was to lessen government corruption. However, the law’s language does not place a limit on who can be charged with honest services fraud. 

Generally, honest services [..]

Differences Between Prostitution and Escort Services

Many people use the terms “escort service” and “prostitute” interchangeably. But are they really the same thing? Are they similar at all? What are the legal differences between prostitution and escort services?

Our experienced Colorado criminal defense attorneys at WeedenLaw are here to answer your questions and to outline the key differences between a prostitute and an escort.

What is an Escort?

An escort is any person or persons who, for profit, is available to the public for purposes of accompaniment or companionship. In a general sense, [..]