Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

Colorado Man Gets Life in Prison for DUI

On September 30, 2018, Angela Wimmer was on her way home from mass when she was struck from behind while sitting at a red light in Lakewood, CO. Wimmer’s Mazda was propelled forward at 43 miles per hour and proceeded to hit three other vehicles before resting in the middle of the intersection. The car was smashed inwards from its rear, with six feet of intrusion from the impact. Wimmer was found inside by nearby off-duty firefighters, who described her as unresponsive in all ways except the [..]

Extortion in Colorado

When a person obtains damaging information – whether it is true or false – they cannot threaten to use that knowledge to damage someone else’s life or reputation in return for money. Though the First Amendment of the Consitution permits the freedom of speech, and thus, allows people to speak about another person’s private life, there is a difference between that and extortion. The speech becomes illegal when used as leverage or to blackmail another individual. 

In this post, our Denver criminal defense attorneys at WeedenLaw will [..]

How To Prevent Juvenile Delinquency: Tips for Parents

When it comes to children and minors, they are at high risk for being either victims or perpetrators of a crime. From a victim standpoint, children are especially vulnerable and prone to attacks from adults and other kids or teenagers. On the other hand, when a child commits a crime, they are vulnerable to the far-reaching consequences that come with it. Not only in the matter of punishment for their crimes, but with the potential of repeating that type of conduct. Even small offenses might establish a [..]

What Is the Colorado Alcohol Limit for Driving?

Getting pulled over is a scary and stressful situation for just about anyone. You are likely to feel overwhelmed and upset, as most individuals have little experience talking with cops in instances like this. As such, it is likely you’ll be unable to think coherently. You might say or do things you wouldn’t say or do if you were thinking clearly. The next thing you know, the cop arrests you and charges you, claiming you were over the Colorado alcohol limit. What happens now?

The first step [..]

What to Say to a Judge at Sentencing

The way in which you conduct yourself at a sentencing hearing is crucial to the outcome of your case. One of the most important things for a court to notice is that you are aware of the crime you have committed and that you are regretful of your actions. It goes without saying, but those who do not show remorse for the crimes they commit will likely receive a harsher punishment than those who do. Whatever the reason you are heading to court, you’ll want to leave [..]