Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

What Is The Make My Day Law?

Finding yourself in a situation where your safety becomes threatened can be very stressful. It is hard to know how to react and how to defend yourself in a legal manner. In a situation like this, there is a thin line between what’s considered assault and what is self-defense. It is important that you’re able to distinguish this, as an assault charge can result in a prison sentence. To make this distinction, you must understand the actions that are legal grounds for self-defense. If the encounter doesn’t [..]

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Criminal Lawyers… And Then Some

Criminal lawyers are exactly what they sound like. It’s a lawyer who represents defendants accused of a crime. If you’ve been charged with a crime, you’ll need a criminal lawyer to defend you. This lawyer will speak on your behalf and work to get you the best possible outcome for your situation.

Jeff Weeden specializes in criminal defense practices. At WeedenLaw, we’ve helped countless Coloradans make it through their criminal trials. Hiring an experienced Denver criminal defense attorney like Jeff Weeden gives you the best chance at [..]

Advice for First Offense DUI In Colorado

Driving under the influence can result in severe consequences. Doing so puts yourself and others in danger. The state of Colorado takes this offense very seriously. Some people assume that because they were never caught before, they never will be. Or they believe that if they do get pulled over, they can get out of it because it is their first offense. Even if it is your first offense DUI in Colorado, you can still suffer long-term consequences for your actions.

If you have a DUI charge [..]

5 Do’s and Don’ts for Parents of Addicted Adults

Dealing with addiction is never an easy task. It can lead to health problems, poverty, legal trouble, and more. It is especially hard to cope with when it is your own child who is struggling. It’s easy to let confusion, anger, or blame take over. It is also easy for parents of addicted adults to feed into the behavior without realizing. 

When your child is an adult, finding the balance between discipline and freedom is tricky. Just as there is no cure for addiction, there is no [..]

What is Involuntary Manslaughter?

Someone who kills another person can be charged with involuntary manslaughter. This type of charge differs from a murder charge because it lacks criminal intent. This means that the act was not intentional, but rather an accident of recklessness or negligence. This charge holds the least amount of accountability for a homicidal death. In this blog you’ll find everything you need to know about involuntary manslaughter in Colorado and what to do if you face charges. For further information, contact experienced Denver criminal defense attorney Jeff Weeden [..]