Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

Habitual Domestic Violence Offenses

When tempers rise, emotions erupt, and individuals respond impulsively, domestic disputes can arise. They also tend to escalate rather quickly. Once charged with domestic violence, the penalties you face if convicted can be severe. Multiple convictions may also land you a felony domestic violence charge. A conviction for felony domestic violence can derail your life – but it doesn’t always have to. With the right Denver criminal defense lawyer on your side, it’s possible not only to minimize the penalties you face, but even potentially get your [..]

Colorado Restraining Order

Restraining orders in Colorado are demands issued by the courts that mandate an alleged abuser to avoid contact with the alleged victim. Restraining orders (sometimes called protective orders) are put in place to protect the innocent from domestic abuse situations or other threats.

In Colorado, anyone fearing for their safety can apply for a restraining order from the local court. From here, the judge may issue a temporary restraining order or permanent restraining order.

What is a Restraining Order in Colorado?

Colorado courts issue restraining orders that [..]

What are Protection Orders in Colorado?

A civil protection order, otherwise known as a civil restraining order is a court mandate issued to protect the person seeking the order from abuse, harassment, stalking, threats, or intimidation by the person the order is sought against.

It is often sought by victims of domestic abuse, though these victims are not the only individuals to which civil protection orders can be granted. Civil restraining orders can also be granted to victims of sexual assault, unlawful sexual contact, or anyone under fear of personal injury or [..]