Colorado Criminal Defense Blog
Everything You Need to Know about Colorado Robbery Charges
If you are facing robbery charges in Colorado, it’s helpful to know the laws and penalties associated with these offenses. We’ll explain them in this post, along with letting you know what you can do to fight your charges.How to Learn Whether or Not You Have a Colorado Criminal Record
You may think that the answer to that question should be obvious, but many people have a mistaken notion of how criminal records are created in Colorado.Colorado Law: Is It Assault or Is It Battery?
In Colorado, assault and battery are defined and penalized in different ways… and they might not mean what you think they mean. In fact, technically there is no “battery” in our state.Denver Sex Offender Registration
If you are arrested for a sex crime in Colorado, there are all kinds of potential consequences that are awaiting you. Prison time. High fines. Probation. Abandonment by neighbors, coworkers, people you thought were friends, and even family members. A criminal record that will follow you around for the rest of your life.
Perhaps the biggest consequence, however, is having to register as a sex offender. If this is part of your sentence, you will be subject to a whole host of frustrating requirements and limitations, such [..]