Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

Colorado Restraining Order

Restraining orders in Colorado are demands issued by the courts that mandate an alleged abuser to avoid contact with the alleged victim. Restraining orders (sometimes called protective orders) are put in place to protect the innocent from domestic abuse situations or other threats.

In Colorado, anyone fearing for their safety can apply for a restraining order from the local court. From here, the judge may issue a temporary restraining order or permanent restraining order.

What is a Restraining Order in Colorado?

Colorado courts issue restraining orders that [..]

Romeo and Juliet Law in Colorado

In Colorado, like in many states, we colloquially call our statutory rape laws the “Romeo and Juliet law.” This is in reference to the fact that Shakespeare’s titular pair were several years apart in age, and that Juliet was underage while Romeo was not; in a Romeo and Juliet law, there is an exception for young people close in age where one is underage.

Can You Be Arrested For Fishing Without A License?

Can you be arrested for fishing without a license in Colorado?

The short answer is: probably not. Unless there are extremely extenuating circumstances, there will be no jail time for fishing without a license. But there could be severe penalties for fishing without a license. 

Hunting and fishing are common pastimes in the United States, and especially so in Colorado. Thus, there are plenty of rules and regulations in place to protect outdoorsmen and wildlife. When you break those rules or regulations, there could be serious consequences. [..]

So You’ve Been Served A Notice of Hearing After A Wildlife Violation. What Now?

Have you ever gotten a notice of hearing after a wildlife violation?

Documents like the notice of hearing are designed to give you all the information you need in one place. This sounds convenient, yet they often use language that can be tricky to understand. 

Jeff Weeden is a criminal defense attorney in the Denver area, representing clients in wildlife and fishery violations. If you’ve found yourself in a position where there’s a chance the state could suspend your license, we’re going to break down your notice [..]

Tax Evasion Penalties

Tax evasion penalties are no joke. The government incarcerates thousands of people every year for tax crimes. Do you know the IRS’s tax fraud punishments?

Frequently, tax fraud punishment is no more than a civil penalty. But, rare cases exist in which the taxpayer can experience criminal charges–when an IRS auditor hands your case over to the IRS Criminal Investigation Unit.  

Jeff Weeden is a Denver attorney with extensive experience in white-collar crime. Tax fraud is a category of white-collar crime that encompasses anything [..]