Colorado Criminal Defense Blog

Shoplifting in Colorado

Being accused of shoplifting in Colorado can be a frightening situation, but it can be much easier to navigate with the help of a Denver theft attorney from WeedenLaw.

For many, shoplifting can create immigration problems or problems with work, and so they look for an attorney to help them through the process.

How are Shoplifting Cases Prosecuted?

Shoplifting cases are prosecuted after a store presses charges on the offender. This doesn’t always occur immediately after leaving the store, though. Sometimes stores will wait to gather enough [..]

Legal Defense for Shoplifting in Colorado

While it can be tempting to view shoplifting as a juvenile and inconsequential infraction, the state of Colorado can pursue jail time and enforce significant fines for those convicted of shoplifting. Colorado shoplifting laws also allow merchants to sue shoplifters for various damages in civil court. 

Shoplifting charges can be quite serious, and the consequences can be equally so. If you are facing shoplifting charges in Colorado, an experienced defense attorney can help ensure the best possible outcome for you.

Colorado Shoplifting Laws

Colorado shoplifting laws are [..]

How Colorado Shoplifting Can Easily Lead to Serious Charges

This article explains why retail theft is under a microscope today, provides a breakdown of charges and a link to penalties, and points out how shoplifting in Colorado can easily lead to you needing to contact a skilled Denver criminal lawyer to help battle the charges against you.